No matter how well you care for your property, eventually, the totality of weather plus wear and tear will begin to break down vital components. From your roof to the back patio, sunshine and weather can combine to age and damage every aspect of the home. One surface that can quickly become problematic if it starts to break down is your asphalt. Residential blacktop is a durable material that can look great for years, but only when proper asphalt maintenance is performed. Failure to fix minor problems now can quickly lead to headaches later on!

R. Cooper & Sons Paving, LLC is proud to be your trust source for asphalt repair across New Hampshire. Since 1960, our contractors have worked diligently to deliver driveway paving, asphalt resurfacing, installation, maintenance, line striping, and more. We know what it takes to get the job done right, and our team is here and ready to deliver with beautifully cost-effective outcomes!

For many residents in Chester, it can be hard to determine when asphalt repairs are needed. Today, we’ll highlight a few of the top signs it’s time to call your local asphalt company for assistance, as well as the value that our team can provide for your property. If your current asphalt is in need of repairs are repaving, be sure to call us now for a quote!

Worsening Cracks

Cracks can happen with asphalt over time, and if they are minor, action will likely not need to be taken. However, if you do notice widening cracks or cracks that are spread across large portions of the pavement, we recommend calling for an asphalt inspection. In many cases, problems such as “alligator cracks” derive from instability issues beneath the mat. If your subgrade was not prepared properly for the structural demands of your pavement, tension can begin to cause cracks across large spans.

No matter the issue, R. Cooper & Sons Paving can deliver cost-effective asphalt repairs in Chester and beyond. Our contractors are trained to look for problems and diagnose future problems before they become worse. Whether your driveway cracks require simple patches or a full-depth reclamation, our experts are here and ready to get to work.

Drainage Concerns

Rainfall is always welcome this time of year, but standing water can turn out to be one of the biggest signs of future trouble. Asphalt relies on a small percentage of oil in the mixture to bind sand, gravel, and aggregate for a durable hold. Water can begin to infiltrate through the top layer of your asphalt over time, disrupting the bond of your driveway and possibly resulting in advanced material degradation.

Puddles may seem innocent, but bear in mind that continual saturation can be a problem. R. Cooper & Sons Paving is here to provide asphalt repair services for your New Hampshire home, including filling and grading services to ensure proper water dispersal. Doing so will to prevent cracks and potholes from forming!

Warping Worries

Everyone can recognize the value of asphalt paving by its smooth, clean surface. Level surfaces equate to smoother results for pedestrians, traffic, moisture management, and more. If you have noticed warping on your driveway, it would be smart to seek out professional assistance to ensure that foundational concerns aren’t the cause. Our asphalt maintenance team can work to provide cost-effective repairs to keep your pavement safe and looking great.

Buckling is another concern that can mar the beauty of your asphalt. This often stems from aggregate breakdowns due to high vehicle weights. Backing a concrete truck down your aging asphalt driveway, for example, may result in warping and buckling problems. In many cases, our asphalt resurfacing services can assist to create a like-now outcome.

Fading Appearances

Over the years, weather and UV damage can combine to wear down the beauty of your blacktop. This fading is often very noticeable, as discolorations are often evident whenever you enter or leave the premises. Not only can this discoloration look bad, it can also indicate that the surface of your pavement is dry and not sealed to prevent damage. Aging asphalt can be summarized as increasingly brittle, making it important for New Hampshire homeowners to seek out asphalt resurfacing and sealcoating surfaces to keep their existing materials safe from the sun.

Trenching Issues

One problem that can disrupt your pavement stems from a failure of the pipes below the surface. Water lines, for example, may break or slip a joint, causing excess moisture to flood into your native soils. Over time, this saturation can put your materials far over optimum moisture, running stability and causing pumping and erosion to occur. The result is an undermining of your asphalt, with cracks and low points in defined sections being Exhibits A and B.

Sinking Outcomes

As we have stressed before, the subgrade and road base beneath your pavement plays a major role in supporting your driveway for years of use. If areas are improperly compacted, or the base beneath has eroded away, sinking can occur. If you notice any low points along edges, joints, or around sewer lids, it would be smart to seek out a local asphalt repair company for assistance. We will be able to over complete pavement maintenance support, as well as suggest gutter services if necessary.

R. Cooper & Sons Paving is proud to serve as your trusted team for asphalt repairs across New Hampshire. Since 1960, our asphalt company in Chester has delivered amazing results for projects of all budgets and sizes. Contact us today to learn more and to receive an estimate for asphalt maintenance on your property!